Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Rated R- Russian Roulette by Rhianna free essay sample

Russian Roulette is telling a story of Rihanna who must play against a experienced Russian roulette player to pass a sort of self test. The plot of this song sounds like Rihanna is in a room and they begin to play Russian Roulette. As she is singing it eventually becomes her turn but she will not walk away because she wants to pass some test. She explains that the guy who she is playing with has never lost because he is there playing with her and she has never played before. In this song Rihanna is very nervous it seems like and she is trying to find some way to get rid of the nerves. She trys closing her eyes and taking a deep breath but she can’t deny the fact that if she loses, she dies. Some of the details in this song that make it more meaningful is the background beat and the darkness and tone that Rihanna sings with makes the song better than it would be with some other beat. We will write a custom essay sample on Rated R- Russian Roulette by Rhianna or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My opinions of this song are I really like it and enjoy the emotion that Rhianna puts into it. I think that this song is very powerful with the words and it makes people want to listen to it. In conclusion Russian Roulette is a very well written and powerful song which is a great piece by Rhianna.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Heartache of a Migrant Boy Taken From His Father by David Sedaris

The Heartache of a Migrant Boy Taken From His Father by David Sedaris'Raggedy Tales: The Heartache of a Migrant Boy Taken From His Father' by David Sedaris is an extremely poignant story. The main character in this tale, Tony, is a migrant boy who was kidnapped from the streets and brought up by criminals who tortured him mercilessly for their twisted pleasures. At the end of the story, Tony tries to rescue his family - but only succeeds in destroying them.It is a fictional story but, based on real life, it is an almost impossible to ignore the fact that in some parts of the world, a lot of families are actually torn apart by forced migration. Sometimes the reasons are severe poverty, sometimes a conflict between parents, but most of the time the reasons are simply a lack of protection, or a clash of personalities. This is the heartache of a migrant boy taken from his father.The essay was written, it must be said, rather unceremoniously. It has its terrible opening lines, when Tony i s kept as a prisoner for most of his childhood and eventually, if he survives, he will spend his entire life in prison. Most of us can hardly imagine how one could inflict such cruelty, let alone on a young boy. We can barely imagine how anyone could think it proper to pass on this account of an act of violence to the next generation.The essay is a fascinating study of the sexual, racial and ethnic tensions in America, which are both alive and well. It also touches upon the difficulties of parental love and nurturing. There is a tenderness, which is at times very touching, for Tony. As well as the heartache of a migrant boy taken from his father, we get to know the different types of love that exist in the country.His father, who has little care for his son, sees him as an honourable victim, but is obviously not always right. His mother, who loves her son, cries whenever she sees him being hurt. And then there is a daughter, who refuses to understand the deep scar left by the kidnap ping, but whom, unlike the other members of the family, accepts her father's style of parenting. Although she has little understanding of the internal conflicts that Tony, even in jail, deals with.We can understand and empathise with all the protagonists in this terrible essay. But we are left with the most profound paradox of all: the experience of being born into a society which fails to protect the young is to give birth to an adult who is, somehow, protected from the conditions that allowed the kidnapping to happen. No wonder we are comforted by the presence of a loving family in Tony's life. But we may feel somewhat pitied that the story is telling us that a family is a fragile thing.The essay is yet another of the author's ingenious portrayals of the problems of everyday life. Unfortunately, the American schools that are responsible for teaching children these basic values are often not up to the job. This book may be short but it is a disturbing piece of literature.We cannot just sit back and witness these brutal realities, hoping that, in time, the country will take responsibility for them. We cannot just assume that our culture and our values are at least correct; we cannot be comforted by the thought that our society is mature enough to accept these truths. That we cannot wait for change to occur, and that we need to change our behaviour.