Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Global Warming and the Effects Essay

Global warming refers to the heating of the air near the earth’s surface and oceans and this problem was first noted to happen in the 1950s period. Today the issue of global warming is one of the most widely discussed as it has serious implications to our environment. Global warming is as a consequence of human activities and its main contributor is the high level of greenhouse gases that are emitted to the atmosphere. One of these gases is methane, nitrogen dioxide, water vapors and carbon dioxide (CO2), which are emitted when fossil fuels such natural gas, oil, diesel and coal are burned. The issue of global warming has risen to the levels of concern today and days cannot pass without it being mentioned. If its effects are not mitigated the world will become an inhabitable place. The effects of global warming are many ranging from rise in global temperatures, forests destruction, melting and retreat of ice glaciers and thawing of snow that covers the mountains and destruction of the coastal ecosystems. This is what this research paper will basically focus on. It will discuss in depth the causes of global warming how these effects impact our society. This research paper is structured as follows; it starts with a brief introduction of what global warming is, its origin and how it has developed overtime, some examples of where it has already occurred will be given and then the conclusion. At the very end there is also a list of all the works cited, properly formatted in accordance with the MLA formatting style. Most people according to Weart (13) use the term global warming to mean climatic change but this is not true. The former is as a result of human activities and changes in the solar system but later is any change in the state of the average climate in terms of precipitation and weather over an extended period of time. The first effects of global warming were first noted in the mid 19th century and according to various reports given by different researchers, global warming results due to unchecked human activities. The world has experienced and witnessed changes in ice formation and melting not mentioning the abrupt rise in global temperatures. Though weather variations are something that is as old as mankind, its recent changes have awakened the conscience of men. Although there are periods when temperatures are a bit hot, there was unusual rise in temperatures in the period between 1980s and 1990s. This problem has continued up to the 21st century. â€Å"In terms of global average near the surface air temperature, the year 1998 was the warmest in the instrumental record and the nine warmest years in that record have occurred since 1990† (Houghton 2). The Graph below Shows How Global Temperature Has Increased Over Time Due to Global Warming. Gotten from http://globalwarming-awareness2007-arshad. com/global-warming-graphs. shtml The rise in the rates at which hurricanes, tornadoes and the general blowing of strong wind is also attributed to global warming. These effects were experienced in Western Europe especially in England in the late 1980s. No single human being can claim not to have contributed to the global warming as in one way or the other one must have been involved in cooking using fossil fuels and in transport. These are the major contributors of global warming because they increase the amount of carbon dioxide gas which is in the atmosphere. (Natural Resources Defense Council). The problem with greenhouse gases is that they trap hot air that is trying to escape from the ocean and earths’ surface something that has serious consequences. Carbon dioxide behaves like a blanket and a mirror. It traps hot air and sends it back to the ground thus there is a lot of water evaporation on the oceans thereby increasing humidity in the air. Also this humidity also behaves like CO2 which traps hot air thus making the air in the atmosphere even warmer (Haughton 12) Most of the global effects we are witnessing today were predicted long time ago by scientists for example the world meteorological organization (WMO) issued a warning in 2003 that there will be increase in weather changes and the examples that it gave were tornadoes, hurricanes and heat waves. Today these tornadoes are like the order of the day and are the effects of global warming. According to scientists, when ice glaciers melts, that water flows to the oceans which in turn floods and the problem that results is that even when there is a small storm water is blown to the earths’ surface. Human activities that contribute to global warming dates back to the Industrial Revolution period when labor became mechanized. Those machines used fossil fuels such as coal which emits large amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The current human activities are contributing largely to the global warming that human activities of the 19th century although the current global warming effects are not just as a result of these current activities but is as a result of human activities extended over time. According to a report that was produced by the World Meteorological Organization, the period from early 1990s up to 2007 has registered the highest degrees in terms of global temperature. The average global temperature for the year 2007 was estimated to be 0. 41oC above the average annual temperature of the 1960s of 14. 00oc Just like there are many environmental variables, the same applies when it comes to human activities which contribute to global warming. As per the IPCC’s fourth assessment report, since 1750, human activities with a very high probability were said to be the cause of global warming. The increase of global warming for the last fifty years has been due to the increase in greenhouses emissions. The Graph Below shows how the Concentration of Greenhouse Gas has increased In the Last 250 Years. It was accessed from http://earthsci. org/education/teacher/basicgeol/global_warm/global_warm. html These gases also destroy the ozone that protects some harmful sun rays from reaching the sun and that is why there are so many cases of cancer in the world. The main source of these gases is the fuels that are used on vehicles, planes and other machines such as generators and water pumps and the fuels that are used in households. What happens is that when sun rays reach the earths’ surface, they heat the surface while the excess heat is radiated back to the atmosphere. These rays are supposed to be lost in the space but because there is a lot of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the sunlight with longer wavelength are trapped by these gases (Silverstein and Nunn 53-54). Now the problem is that it leads to global warming in that these gases behave like mirrors that reflect back sun rays to the earth leading to overheating of the global temperature and this is what is referred by scientists as greenhouse effect. Even the water vapor that results due to overheating of the ocean surfaces is also a greenhouse gas. It is estimated that these vapors contribute 36 to 70 percent of the global warming while carbon dioxide accounts for 9-26 percent while others like methane and ozone contributes about 4-9 percent and 3-7percent respectively. Methane is always present in the earth and so when mining or soil erosion occurs due to human activities; it is exposed to the atmosphere. This methane combines with other gases in the atmosphere and it releases carbon dioxide. Population is another factor that has contributed to the rise in global temperature. There is no direct link of overpopulation to global warming but through an intricate process it contributes. When population increase, it means people will require more food and demand for more food means that more agricultural lands will be cultivated. Scientifically we know that trees help in purifying air by absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere so when vegetation cover is cleared the chances of global warming to result are high as greenhouses gases remain uncontrolled. Also, to some extent green vegetations lead to global warming. When green vegetation rot they release a smelly gas. This gas is methane and is one of those greenhouse gases. Again as people demand more food, they devise ways of increasing food production and one way of doing this is by using animal manure which contains a lot of methane. People are forced to keep animals so as they would get this manure thus indirectly leading to the global warming. As population grows, more energy is needed in the production sectors. Fuel usage increase in the production companies so as to meet the ever increasing demand for products. Population increase mean more transport demands, this leads to an increase in the number of vehicles resulting to more emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Apart from human causes, there are also natural causes of global warming. Sun which is part of the solar system could also contribute to the global warming. If there happens to be output changes in terms of the heat that the sun produces, global temperature could rise. Another natural factor that could contribute is if there happens to be a change in the shape of the orbit that earth as a planet follows. If one point is closer to the sun then, global temperature at that particular period of time could rise. All these causes of global warming lead to several negative consequences. One of these effects is the increase in precipitation. As more and more water evaporates and is trapped in the clouds it then falls as precipitation. When the oceans are heated by the sun, evaporation occurs leading to heavy rain that has negative results for example it leads to floods and soil erosion. (Victor 31-33) Another effect associated with global warming is the thawing of mountain glaciers. In the period between 1550s and 1850s there was a lot of glaciers but this has subsequently decreased over time. It is estimated that the world glaciers with the exception of ice sheets and caps in the Antarctic and Arctic regions has gone down by 50 percent. The reduction of these glaciers has been witnessed in Himalayas Mountains, Alps, Rocky Mountains and Pyrenees. The consequences of melting of these glaciers are many and one of them is flash slides, increase in landslides not mentioning the overflow of the glacial lakes. It also makes some rivers to become seasonal, during summer time they become dry and then gain water during winter. When glaciers melt, water levels in the ocean go up and it destroys the ecological system of the coastal areas because these floods engulf the coastal dry lands. Global temperature interferes with the balance and the length of the seasons. This will affect farmers who sow their seeds in a particular time predicting to be harvested at a particular time. â€Å"Farmers are planting the seeds according to the seasons and rain, but since the rains are getting disturbed and also the climate is getting shifted, the sowing time is difficult to predict, which will lead to poor production hence shortage of food grains† (Global warming, 2008). Marine life is also under extinction threats due to global temperature change. Many marine species have already succumbed to high temperatures in the seas. Penguins which live in coral leafs are the worst affected. Global warming leads to the destruction of the coral reefs and this leads to the interference in penguin’s life cycle resulting to many deaths. Also global warming leads to the retreat of ice in the sea. Though sea water absorbs sun’s heat, this ice reflects back some of the heat. If this ice melts away, sea water will get hot leading to the rise in temperature. According to a report made by the IPCC Fourth Assessment, it was predicted that forest fires will increase in some regions of the world like in the Mediterranean Europe. Global warming has no direct link to the bush fires but the thing is, there will be shortage of rain in those regions thus increasing the chances of forest fires being spread in large scale. When fire burns, carbon dioxide is emitted to the air and since this fire will clear all the remaining vegetations that would absorb some carbon dioxide, a lot of carbon dioxide will be released more than the natural cycle can handle and what will result is global warming due to green house effects. (Natural Resources Defense Council) Global warming also destroys the ozone layer that is in the atmosphere. This layer prevents the harmful sunrays such as ultra violet rays from reaching the earth. These rays lead to increased cases of skin cancer. To conclude this research paper, it is in order to say that global warming leads to the rise of the average global temperatures and have serious consequences on the environment. The main contributor of global warming is human activities although to some extent some natural factors such as alteration of the earth orbit could result to temperature rise. Global changes started to be witnessed in the mid 19th century but of late the effect are many and on the increasing trend. Its many effects have served as an awakening call to many governments to come up with various strategies that could help to reverse the trend. Global warming mostly results from fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases include; ozone, methane, water vapors and nitrogen dioxide. What these gases do is that they trap hot air that is trying to escape from the ground resulting to overheating of both the ocean and ground surfaces. The effects of global warming are many and includes; rise in temperatures, forest fire outbreaks, thawing and retreat of glaciers, overflowing of rivers and lakes, disruption in the balance of seasons, extinction of some species especially those that live in seas, desertification, coastal lands being engulfed by floods and increase in diseases such as cancer and malaria. Works Cited: Global Warming. Global Warming Awareness. 2008. Accessed on October 30, 2008 from http://www. globalwarming. org. in/global-warming-facts. php Houghton J. Theodore. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. Cambridge University Press, 2004 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Global Warming: Consequences. 2008. Available at http://www. nrdc. org/globalWarming/fcons. asp Silverstein, A. and Nunn, L. S. Global Warming. Twenty-First Century Books, 2003 Watson R. The Natural Causes of Global Warming. 2007 http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/300649/the_natural_causes_of_global_ warming. html? cat=47 Weart S. R. The Discovery of Global Warming. Harvard University Press, 2003. Victor, David G. The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming: And the Struggle to Slow Global Warming. Princeton University Press, 2001

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Exploring Section Essay

Abstract Since the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 came into effect the South African labour market has undergone numerous changes. Such a consequence is the rise in the number of employees engaged in atypical or non-standard employment. This paper responds in the affirmative to Cheadle’s assertion that the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 provides inadequate protection to vulnerable workers such as non-standard employees. I explore the recent attempts to extend the protection of certain labour and social security laws to some categories of non-standard employees and I recognise their shortcomings. I suggest that senior and middle management employees no longer require statutory protection from unfair labour practices as such protection can be attained through contractual means. I propose that there is presently an urgent need to create a statutory arrangement which affords adequate protection to non-standard workers. 1. Introduction The current South African labour legislation is one which affords too much protection to those who do not need it and far too little to those who require it most. In his paper Cheadle explores the consequences of the changes to the labour market since 1994 and recognises that the current conceptual structure has failed to accommodate these changes. The first source for reform is that there is â€Å"a huge protection hole – casual workers are not protected, informal workers are not protected, marginalised workers are not protected. † This results from the changes undergone by the labour market and the fact that the current remedies for unfair labour practices in the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 have â€Å"never been subject to careful scrutiny†. The most effective response to this problem is a re-evaluation of the current labour legislation. Cheadle’s main argument is that there is no longer a need to protect the working class against unfair labour practices as they are able to protect themselves through contractual means. I concur with Cheadle’s affirmations and in strengthening my argument I focus firstly on the brief history and development of the concept of an unfair labour practice. Through this exploration I evidence how the lack of proper scrutiny of unfair labour practices has resulted in an ill conceived provision. I argue that the current labour legislation does not extend protection to non-standard workers this based on the fact that protection rarely goes beyond the employment relationship. I further argue that if middle and senior employees can contractually negotiate â€Å"their hours of work and rights to any payment for overtime work† then surely this is possible for purposes of unfair labour practices. 2. Origins of unfair labour practices The first observation made by Cheadle is that the ‘jurisprudence relating to the individual employment relation was fully codified in respect to dismissal but only roughly codified in respect of the residue. † Cheadle questions the lack of scrutiny applied to the definition of section 186(2) and argues that there is a need to revise and reconsider the practicality of unfair labour practices listed in section 186(2) of the LRA. The idea of unfair labour practice was first introduced into the South African labour law by the Industrial Conciliation Amendment Act. Under The Industrial Conciliation Amendment Act unfair labour practice was widely defined follows: â€Å"any labour practice which in the opinion of the industrial court is an unfair labour practice. † This wide definition was a mechanism intended to protect white workers against â€Å"less favourable conditions of employment in the face of an extension to black workers of access to occupations previously reserved for whites. † Because of this wide definition the legislature was obliged to intervene and in 1980 the concept of an unfair labour practice was more comprehensively defined. The protection regarding the right to strike, refusal to negotiate in good faith, selective dismissal or re-employment, and the use of derogatory language were then built in to the jurisprudence. However this was considered a rather strange jurisprudence as it governed both individual employment relationships and collective bargaining relationships. By 1995, in devising the Labour Relations Act, the unfair labour practices were built into the Act by way of the whole portfolio of organisational rights. The LRA was then negotiated and a set of transitional provisions relating to unfair labour practice where deferred until the Basic Conditions of Employment Act would be dealt with. When the time came the drafters failed to incorporate unfair labour practices and it was left as a transitional provision. It was finally incorporated through the 2002 amendments, where as Cheadle states, â€Å"a couple of words were changed† and it now constitutes the body of the statute known as a â€Å"charter for middle and top management. The history of unfair labour practice therefore strengthens the argument for the need to re-view the current legislation and to align it with the protection of vulnerable workers. 3. Regulated flexibility One of the underpinnings of the Labour Relations Act is the concept of regulated flexibility. Cheadle explains that in formulating the LRA the focus was channelled at achieving â€Å"efficiency, productivity and adaptability, but within the parameters or th e limits of protection. This ties in with the concept of labour market flexibility which gives rise to â€Å"new types† of employment which include but not limited to, â€Å"non-permanent employment for instance fixed-term and part-time work, through labours broker, tele-work, seasonal work, student jobs, working from home, self-employment and subcontracted work. † The current position is that there is insufficient statutory protection for workers employed in a typical work. Difficulty is further encountered in that the protection afforded under collective agreements does not extend to these forms of employment. Employers’ attempts to avoid protective labour legislation and restraints of the traditional employment relationship have also contributed to the rise in atypical employment. This constitutes the crux of the discussion in that law reform should rather shift its focus from increasing regulation to the achievement of labour market flexibility in order to adapt to the changing economic environment as well as to extend the protection under labour legislation to marginalised workers. 4. Contract of Employment and the â€Å"protection whole† The contract of employment creates a standard form of employment. It is the source from which protection and social security afforded under South African labour law is derived. According to the definition of employee in the LRA and BCEA this would mean that workers employed in a typical or non standard employment are ultimately excluded from the protection afforded under current labour legislation. Despite the wide definition of employee in that it includes â€Å"any other person who in any manner assists in carrying on or conducting the business of an employee†, non-standard workers such as part-time workers or home workers are still not protected by current labour laws. Cheadle argues that the reason labour law legislation does not extend protection to these non-standard worker is based on the history of labour law and the contract of employment. He makes an interesting argument in that the link to the contact of employment must be severed so as to accommodate any worker who works in a sector irrespective of the existence of a contract of employment. I fail to see the rationale behind this assertion. Cleansing the labour legislation of the employment contract would only open up the flood gates for unwarranted litigation and confusion as this is the only source for structure and order. Rather than tearing down well serving structures law reform should rather work on incorporating protective provisions into the legislative framework. A recommendation made by Mathias Nyenti is that trade unions should become more actively involved in extending protection to non-standard workers. However, trade unions are of two minds, on the one hand there is the need to promote the working conditions of non-standard workers but on the other is the fear that supporting labour flexibility will only increase non-standard employment and potentially corrode their support base. . Anti working class law? The next argument made by Cheadle and perhaps the most controversial is that, it has become unnecessary to protect middle and top management against unfair labour practices. The assertion is that these categories of workers can protect themselves through contractual means or otherwise through the common law. However, I question whether the common law is adequately equipped to deal with fai rness in the workplace? For instance, if an employee is presented with a situation where there is no contractual rrangement in place providing for promotional prospects, such an employee cannot claim that the employer acted unfairly in not promoting that an employee. Cheadle further argues that there â€Å"is no need for the judicial regulation of the selection decisions (hiring, training, promotion) and those aspects of discipline short of dismissal (suspension, demotion and other disciplinary measures). † In his breakdown of statutory unfair labour practice Cheadle first addresses the issue of recruitment and hiring and questions the reasoning behind its exclusion from the list of unfair labour practices. He concludes that the legislation has put mechanisms in place to protect against victimisation, discrimination, and corrupt appointments and those should therefore constitute the parameters in which the legislation should operate. Simply put legislation should not interfere with the operational personnel decisions of the employer. The issue of promotion is an interesting one. Cheadle questions why senior and middle management are given the right to challenge a promotion whereas this has never been a problem for ordinary workers. This mirrors the position in appointment and hiring. Which brings us back to the question–do senior and middle management really need such protection? The next unfair practice is the issue of demotion and I question why such a practice is regulated because as Cheadle asserts one cannot be demoted without their consent. If a worker is given an alternative between demotion and dismissal and the worker refuses to be demoted, that can be challenged under the law of dismissal. â€Å"Cheadle’s argument is therefore not for greater inclusion but rather an acknowledgement of the remedies and relief under existing common law and contract law. 6. Business perspective From a business perspective it is argued that an increase in labour market flexibility will attract foreign investment resulting in high employment levels and the mitigation of poverty. The argument is that over-regulated labour markets tend to have the opposite effect, reducing global engagement and the prospect of employment. â€Å"However, trade unions believe tha t government needs to protect its vulnerable workers against exploitation if it is to achieve its social transformation objectives. † 7. Conclusion The recent changes in the labour market have thrown vulnerable workers in a â€Å"protection hole† and the current labour legislation unfortunately fails to remedy this position. The bottom-line is that labour reform should be focused on protecting those employees who need protection the most such as workers in atypical employment. There is a great need not only for legislative reform but also reform of the institutions which implement the legislation such as the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration. While I am in agreement with Cheadle’s assertions on the most part, the suggestion that the employment contract should be done away with is a highly controversial and one which I do not agree with. One provision which should be reviewed or even removed however is one which offers unwarranted protection to senior and middle employees who are able to protect themselves through contractual means. Section 186 no longer has a place in the legislative framework and should either be re-evaluated to include vulnerable workers or removed in its entirety. Bibliography Books Van Jaarsveld et al 2001 LAWSA 8

Monday, July 29, 2019

Refusal for a Future Life-Sustaining Treatment Essay

Refusal for a Future Life-Sustaining Treatment - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that HD is hereditary and incurable. Affected patients experience irreversible dementia leading to fatality. The only thing that they can do for now is to avail for genetic counseling to ease their level of discomfort and anxiety. John is a lawyer in his 30’s. Several months ago, he noticed rapid movements twitching in his face. John then went to two neurologists and found out that he has Huntington’s disease. John’s mother died from that disease. He knows that he has ten years or so to live. The issue in John’s case is whether or not it is ethical, upon paralysis, to refuse future life-sustaining treatment. Whether or not John is in his right mind is also an issue here. Huntington’s disease affects the patient’s cognitive abilities. Despite the symptoms he unbearably experienced, John remains to be a productive lawyer. His productive work only shows that he is in his right mind. Moreover, John wrote a note before ingesting all his antidepressant medicine. Writing a note that states a clear message implies that the writer knows what he is doing. John, to my mind, is unquestionably competent in deciding what is good for him. His concept of good lies not in his biological good but rather in his perception of good. To die without life-sustaining treatment is what constitute good for John. This paper declares that John’s psychiatrist refused to help him commit suicide. Well, that’s what psychiatrist is paid for: to help their patients live a normal life. At this point, one might challenge the credibility of John’s right mind. I would still say that John was in his right mind when he spoke those words. The fact that John reassured his psychiatrist that he do not have plans to commit suicide â€Å"any time soon† implies that he consciously knows what he is saying. John’s case is comparable to cases concerning physician-assisted suicide or PAS. First, John has an incurable disease. Second, he expressed his refusal for a potential life-sustaining treatment.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing planning of Roddick Foundation Assignment

Marketing planning of Roddick Foundation - Assignment Example According to the research findings a charity, in the UK, is a body established under the law of England and Wales for exclusively charitable purposes. The UK laws specify some of the purposes that are capable of being charitable by the Commission of Charity. Some of the purposes include poverty prevention or relief, promotion of education, improving health or saving lives, promoting community development, preservation of culture of some people, environmental protection, protection of human rights or conflict resolutions among many others. The firm that is analyzed in the paper is the Roddick Foundation is one of the recognized charities in the UK. The foundation was registered by the commission on March 18, 1997 with registration number 1061372 and company number 3304866. The foundation is mainly concerned with provision of support to the hardworking individuals of the society who would want to transform the world. Different macro-environmental factors will affect the operation and s uccess of a charity. The legal provisions, economic, social, environmental, and political factors affect the success of the organizations. England is a developed economy and a charity is able to attract donors and volunteers who are willing to change lives of others. The state has had political stability in the past that can promote philanthropic activities. Factors that are of particular significance here are the legal provisions on charity. The Charity Commission is a legal body that is mandated to examine the aims of a charity before registering it. The commission provides a definition for the appropriate and acceptable purpose of a charity (Balabanis et al, 1997). Before some charity is registered and recognized as a charity in England and Wales, the legal requirements provide that the organization must able to prove that its aims are meant to benefit the public (Charity Commission, 2011). The organization has to show that it is being established for charitable aims and the aims are geared towards the benefits of the public. It has to be stressed that all, and not some, of the aims should benefit the public. To prove this, the organization has to state clearly the benefits of the initiative, their relations to the aim, and a balance between the benefits and potential harms that may result from the program (Charity Commission, 2011). Besides, the legislation also requires that charity organizations should not develop political purpose or affiliate to some political organization (Charity Commission, 2008). However, since they often advocate for the right of the people, the charities can involve in political activities to achieve their purposes. The Roddick Foundation has developed purposes in line with the above provisions. One of the purposes is poverty eradication (Open Charities, 2012). The foundation funds development initiatives that are aimed at eradicating poverty in the region. The other purpose is promotion, improvement, and advancement of education to the members of the public (Open Charities, 2012). It also promotes culture and social welfare through provision of recreational facilities. As a charity, key stakeholders to the organization are the donors and volunteers. Several charities have been registered in England and the whole of UK and all the charities compete for these donor funds. This is analogous to competition for customers among profit organizations. Profitability is one of the elements of marketing concept. However, the charity organizations would not want to make profit- their analogy for profitability is survival (Balabanis et al, 1997, p.585). Thus, they also need to apply similar marketing concept

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Animal Farm and Fascism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal Farm and Fascism - Essay Example During the times when the lower sector was going through wrong reasoning also the vanguard party suffered. (Ball pg 167) likewise in the novel, as the farms tracts down to a more totalitarian form of state, Napoleon becoming the leader kicks out Snowball by power and force becoming "our leader, Comrade Napoleon" (Orwell pg 93). This way the novel is showing Stalins way of communist governance, where power lies with the one in leadership. Also the way Napoleon rooted out Snowball is similar to Stalins behavior towards Trotsky and his other political rivals. Fascism also requires a very bold, strong and courageous leader. An example of such great fascist leader is Hitler and Mussolini. The way people in Italy had this firm faith that Mussolini was always correct. In the same way Boxer believed that Napoleon was always justified throughout the novel (Ball pg 201). In the course of the novel Napoleon is given a lot of importance. He is the leader, the head of the entire farm. He is always protected by furious dogs. Therefore it clearly shows that animals idolize him as noble and superior. This is also one of the similarities regarding the two ideologies in the book. Terror and propaganda are used in the novel to show Stalins communist and fascist ideologies together. Stalin tried to impose the era of terror in which purges were used. He also used arts to increase interstate propaganda (ball0 pg 166-167). This was also used by fascist states like Hitler made use of brown-shirts and defined characteristics of inferior races (Ball pg 204-205). Squealer used digits to manipulate the animals in order to convince them that they were in a better state by having pigs as their leaders. Also Napoleon kicks Snowball out before he executed in general masses other traitors (Orwell pg 53; 83). It is not easy to clearly differentiate between fascism or communism when it comes to

Business Operations of Ford Motor Company Essay - 1

Business Operations of Ford Motor Company - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that today, Ford Motor Company is the second largest vehicle manufacturer in America and ranks fifth in the world. The company initially introduced Ford Fiesta in the American market during the 1970s. However, this new product failed to grab a large percentage of the automobile market. Although Ford Fiesta did not sell in the American market, the product grabbed a place in the market of Europe and its sales volume has been good for more than four decades now. The Fiesta car is changing the preference of buyers in fairly quicker rate. Particularly, in Britain, Fiesta car model has the largest market compared to other car models. Based on the results of recent researches that customers are more willing to buy low CO2 automatic and low-cost vehicle, Ford has used Fiesta strategy to accommodate these preferences. The Fiesta’s gearbox is different from traditional torque converters. It is a dual-clutch transmitter and t his enables it to drain less power, thus having a decent fuel economy. The Ford Fiesta car has a kinematic design. Ford Company uses this design to ensure minimal noise, harshness, vibration, and smooth ride. This product also has many features like 6-Speed Powershift Automatic Transmission (SPAT), Ti-VCT Engine (Twin Independent Variable Camshaft Timing), ESP (Electronic Stability Programme that has TSC (Traction Control System), fuel efficiency, easy fuel, seductive center console, and Bluetooth that has voice control. The company represents this new brand with a better warranty and services. The buyers of Ford Fiesta are given a 3-year warranty that is only valid when the vehicle is in the appropriate condition prescribed in the owners’ manual that is authorized by Ford Service Center.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Brain-based Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brain-based Learning - Essay Example Since the brain has a finite amount of storage space, it attempts to connect and reconcile new information with previous information. The ultimate result of this process is a blending into general concepts called schema. As we acquire, process, and store more information concerning a specific schema, the neural connection grows and learning takes place (Hardiman, 2003; Huitt, 2003). While the specifics of the schema-forming process are not yet known, research in language acquisition has shown that humans are genetically predisposed to process information in specific ways. Thus scientists have created several learning theories which attempt to better explain the specifics. One such prevailing theory is the levels of processing theory which says that "learners utilize different levels of elaboration as they process information. This is done on a continuum from perception, through attention, to labeling, and finally, meaning" (Huitt, 2003, p. 1). But what does this mean in the classroom Educators must realize that students come to them with perceptions about life and school already in place. Skillful teachers will attempt to find out where their students are coming from and what prior knowledge they have before introducing new information. Review activities should be provided so students with a chance to repeat a specific learning task.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

EU crises from microeconomic point of view and future of EU Assignment

EU crises from microeconomic point of view and future of EU - Assignment Example European countries that have constituted the EU have also been set to operate under common currency; the euro, making economic transactions between and among member states easy and favorable. This is more so because the member states do not face currency fluctuations in terms of foreign exchange, making international business prior to the member states favorable across the EU region. Though the current notion of the EU sounds simple in the domain of other countries in the world, the history behind the formulation and implementation of the EU is rich. The establishment of the European Union was not easy, taking into account that it required prior organization and unique treatment of variables that would operationalize the union. Enormous challenges characterized the establishment of the union, but as time went by, challenges were overcome and smoothening of the operational grounds achieved. The current success of the EU has been achieved over a significant period of time, within which diversity and dynamism have adopted to aid the process. However, the EU is not without its economic problems. The EU has been characterized by micro and macroeconomics problems in its economic and financial context. These problems will be evaluated in this paper alongside the future of the EU, in the context of the euro, enlargement of the EU and the economic characteristics therein. A Brief History of the EU Efforts to unite the European countries began in the twentieth century after the Second World War. Significant success was first realized in the year 1949 when some European countries began the uniting process under the umbrella of Council of Europe. One year later, a community by the name European Coal and Steel improved their cooperation and established a treaty that brought together six nations (Roland, 2005, Ch. 3). These nations made up the founding states of the EU, and even today they are recognized for this role. In the 1950s, a more pressing need to have the European nations emerged. This was during the cold war at the time, which saw the Eastern side of Europe divided from the Western side. Protests that characterized the cold war contributed to this division, raising a concern about the unification of the European community. In order to unite the two sides, the Rome Treaty was signed in the year 1957, allowing for the creation of European community that was at the time cal led the European Economic Community (Roland, 2005, Ch. 3). With the establishment of the community, people, goods and services could be moved across borders in the entire European community. As time went, more and more countries requested membership, thereby making the community grow larger and larger each year. The growth and development of the community necessitated the presence of a single market among the member states. Provisions of law were enacted to aid this process. Eventually, in the year 1989, the Eastern side of Europe was united with the Western side when the boundary between the two sides was eliminated. Since then and over the years, the united European community has grown larger and stronger with the incorporation and integration of more member states. The Modern EU The years between 1990 and 2000 were characterized by free practices of the single market

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Unit 6 Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit 6 Scenario - Essay Example The producers would like to hike the price to P2,where the whole tax burden is borne by the visitors. But will the visitors be willing to pay for the increase in price because of tax. So the demand and supply do not match, at point P2, there is an excess supply. Hence, the price has to come down to P1, where Q1 will be both demanded and supplied. It is evident that, the price of the product for the consumer increases from Pe to P1, which is their share of tax and is about half of the tax of XY. Producers now get C per unit, after paying tax PeC per unit. The revenue for the producers falls from OPeWQe to OCYQ1. The government will receive a tax revenue equal to CP1XY and the market size falls from Qe to Q1. This may have an implication on the employment in the society as firms may employ less number of people and the visitors will also think about alternate places of entertainment due to the increase in prices. However, the tax burden on the consumers and producers will vary depending upon the price elasticity of the entertainment service. On the other hand, if the option of charging a special tax on the shop owners based on the shop size, then, the smaller shops will be at the advantageous side. Smaller shop owners will pay less taxes and so their ratio of profit to investment will be high. If the owners with bigger shops want to share the tax burden with the consumers, then the price of products from the big shops will be higher than that from smaller shops. It will create opportunities for unfair trade practices. This might discourage entrepreneurial activity and even encourage shop owners to search for better places with favorable tax climates. Hence, the option 1 of imposing indirect tax will be a better

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gun Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Gun Control - Essay Example Some people think that by banning guns crimes would be removed but this may not be so, as we know that there are many laws made but they are not necessarily followed. These laws which are not followed by the criminals have two adverse effects. First of all those sellers who are not allowed to sell arms and ammunitions become rich selling their weapons illegally. This will lead to a formation of a black market and we will lose complete control over it. â€Å"I am convinced that we can do to guns what weve done to drugs: create a multi-billion dollar underground market over which we have absolutely no control.† (Roman) Secondly, the law abiding citizens face a loss as they now have no weapons while the criminals, who don’t even bother to respect the law, will still be armed. This will reduce the number of lives saved by such law abiding citizens. This shows that the criminals are criminals because they don’t follow the laws and we cannot expect them to do so. †Å"Expecting a carjacker or rapist or drug pusher to care that his possession or use of a gun is unlawful is like expecting a terrorist to care that his car bomb is taking up two parking spaces.† (Chew) People who fought for independence also had guns. It is not the guns that matter; it is the intention of the one using it. Depriving people of guns doesn’t solve the problems but it only worsens it. Think about those nations who are now independent just because they fought for their independency. If they would have no guns, then they wouldn’t have got their independence. Like all the other things, gun control has some positive aspects as well. Guns are weapons and if not handled safely they can cause all the kinds of damage. In 1998, 30708 deaths were caused by weapons in the United States. Of that number, 12102 were assassinations, 17424 were suicides, 366 were accidents, 316 had nameless causes, and only 154 were confirmed to be in self-protection. (Guns in Our

Monday, July 22, 2019

Australian Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Australian Stereotypes Essay Stereotyping the Australians has always been a common practice by people all around the world. In fact, Australia has been classified as one of the most stereotyped nations in the world due to the sense that much of the international community believes that they have a solid understanding regarding Australian society, despite the fact that their beliefs bear little similarities to the realities of Australian life in the 21st Century. Australia is a complex nation that is riddled with assumptions that are downright false, and sometimes ridiculous. There’s no denying it – as soon the word ‘Australia’ is out, our mind automatically paints a certain glossy picture. For starters, people have assumed that the Australians love to barbecue all the time. Now, while everyone loves a scrumptious and moist barbecued chicken, who in the world would have the time (or patience) to spend the whole morning barbecuing steaks and chicken just to provide a simple breakfast, and repeat the tedious process again for lunch and dinner every single day? The baneful clean-up process and charcoal stains are simply enough to test my patience. However, people in the nationwide has evoke countless of preconceptions that the Aussies are found to be a bunch of barbecue-addicted people, much to the annoyance of the Australians. The real question is ; how did this Australian stereotype become so viral? Australia itself is culpable. Tourism Australia has tried to boost their tourism industries by commercializing Australians with a fresh and rejuvenating look such as the stereotypical â€Å"beach and bimbos† image popularised in the 1980s. However, the portrayal that Aussies loves hang out at the beach every day and ‘put another shrimp on the barbecue’ (or barbie, in the Australian slang) apparently bears a scanty resemblance with the reality. Nick Bryant, a Sydney correspondent also suggested that the popularity of television programs such as Neighbours and Home and Away only rendered the British public to carry a superficial perception of Australia that is not representative of the majority of the nation. Throw another shrimp on the barbie was a 1980s tourism slogan by Paul Hogan which remains as one of the most recognisable quotes associated with Australia within the international community. Another popular Australian stereotype is being belligerent drunkards. People have always assumed that the cities of Australia are full of drunken people, empty scotch bottles and foul alcohol stenches. However, if you happen to walk at the streets of Melbourne, you will realize that it is just like any conventional city, bustling with working ladies and man as opposed to the stereotypical view. Studies have also proved that the country only ranks 44th in terms of global alcohol consumption as opposed to the 17th ranking of the UK. In a nutshell, some of the stereotypical views on Australians are proved to be untrue although some parts of them that are quite true. Stereotypes can be hard to avoid, so my advice is DO NOT always believe what you hear! Many things are always not what they are seemed to be so always do a little research first before ascertaining its validity.

Inspirational teacher Essay Example for Free

Inspirational teacher Essay Dear Ms. Cornell, On the last day of my 9th grade English class, I gathered my books, took one last look around, and wondered if you and I would ever cross paths again. As you erased the chalk board, I wondered how many students were actually as inspired by you as I was. I considered interrupting your meticulous erasing, but decided against it, coming to the conclusion that you had had enough of us rowdy 9th graders for one school year. Your English class was my favorite, and I always looked forward to the exciting activities you’d come up with for us to participate in. Going into the 9th grade, I didn’t think that group activities and reading those â€Å"long† short stories would be something that I actually looked forward to, but you changed my outlook completely. I never thought I would have the opportunity to contact you again as I ventured off to high school to pursue the final years of structured schooling. It’s funny, though†¦as I walked out of your class room, you stayed with me through the duration of my schooling. The way that you taught inspired me in ways that no other teacher could. Your exclusive focus on each individual student you encountered helped me to understand that everyone is, indeed, individual. The creativity you incorporated into each lesson plan helped me to see that nothing has to be boring†¦it’s all in the way that a person approaches it. The little methods you utilized to make large exercises seem small and easy encouraged me to break down my large assignments into several small tasks. Something about the way you spoke to us kids made anything impossible seem absolutely attainable. I am in the process of completing my credentials to become a grade school teacher. I have completed student-teaching for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 4th grade classes. I can now say that I honestly understand why this field is so rewarding. The kids are always so eager to see me. As I did with you, they continually await the learning activities I have planned for them. The various students I have had the opportunity to work with remind me of when I was young and dependent on the grown-up standing in the front of the room trying to teach me all the things I would need to know in life. As I approach the end of my formal education, I felt it was important to let you know that you played an important role in what I chose my career to be. Though the grades are different, the purpose is the same. Watching you effortlessly pass on your knowledge to a bunch of somewhat unappreciative 14-year olds gave me aspiration to practice a career in education. You had a major impact in my life and my hope is that one day I will be someone’s â€Å"Ms. Cornell. † For everything that you taught me, and for everything that you do, Thank you. Sincerely, ________________________________________ Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Recycling Model for Waste Reduction

Recycling Model for Waste Reduction CE 1.1) Since the early schooling days, my teachers have noticed that I tend to always orient towards the chemical processes and the design-oriented aspects of control systems. And well, they were very right because later I recognize my passion of being a Materials Engineer. As it was a tough competition to get admitted in a reputed engineering university. Hence, soon after the completion of my secondary education from the Al-Falah Boys College, I studied hard and was able to ace the admission exam of the engineering university. My efforts pay off and I was able to get admitted in Dawood College of Engineering and Technology Karachi, Pakistan. From here, I studied Bachelor of Metallurgy and Material Engineering. I stayed here during the time period from 2009 till 2012. During my stay here, I have performed various practical and research-based projects in order to fulfill the requirement of my degree. In few of the non-technical subjects, I also have conducted various types of surveys . This project of Methodology used in EPAS Waste Reduction Model was performed by me as my final year project at Dawood University. This project was completed within the assigned deadline of 11 months. I have performed this project along with another group mate under the guidance of my supervisor. BACKGROUND: CE 1.2) Being a materials engineer, it is mandatory to know about the processes and the tools utilized in various processes. This project is also the illustration of various metal objects that has to be recycled using the Waste Reduction Model that is being used in EPAs. In this research, I have studied the complete methodology and studied the step by step process and stages. It is an important factor to recycle the metal objects so that they can be reutilized for various purposes. However, for some metals, the recycled version is not as pure as the original one and hence has the limited number of applications. In this study, I have studied three types of metals and their impacts. CE 1.3) Before starting the project and presenting my idea to the supervisor, I and my team member decided to conduct the beforehand research so that during the proposal defense we are very lucid with the concepts. Hence, we downloaded the related literature from the authentic websites such as Google scholar, ACM and IEEE digital libraries. We also have gone through the basic articles regarding the specifications and characteristics of specific metals. Though there were many questions in my mind unanswered which I later clarified from a supervisor. These all articles, research papers, and literature were cited properly while preparing the thesis for our project. Moreover, while performing on this project we make sure to follow an ethical and professional code of conduct. CE 1.4) When we were done with the initial home, we presented our project idea to our supervisor. He asked us few of the very basic questions to check our concepts. We were easily able to answer them all because of our initial research. The supervisor was glad about our preparation and with few additions, he approved our project. He further advised us to start with the preparation of the project milestone and the organizational plan. His advice was later proved to be very beneficial as because of this we were able to keep a check on the progress of our project. We also were assigned a co-supervisor who can guide us in the case of the unavailability of supervisor. CE 1.5) To ensure the progress and timely completion of the project, we have to submit the monthly progress reports. Along with these monthly project reports, we have to presently on a quarterly basis. And upon completion of the complete project, a detailed thesis was submitted citing all the references all along. These documents and the presentations were prepared using the Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. To ensure the safety, these files were submitted in the pdf format later. The complete project reporting mechanism is shown below in the chart. Project Reporting Mechanism: PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY: CE 1.6) While studying the impact and the results of reproduction and recycling, we have studied each and every phase involved in the complete cycle. I divided the project into different stages to ensure its completion within the allocated time. These stages involve the following: Studying the literature Process cycle development Collection of dumped metal Transportation Stage Recycling Stage Separation of end products and recycled products Transportation to the retailed facility Studying the recycling emission factor Results analysis Documentation phase However, at different stages of the project, I was stuck. There my supervisors helped me a lot and guided me. At a stage, I also consulted a professor from another university to get better exposure. CE 1.7) In this project we have discussed the three metal forms including the aluminum cans, steel cans, and the copper wires. Aluminum cans are made of aluminum sheet bars. The supply of raw materials for the production of aluminum embrace limestone and salt, which must be extracted and elated; Crude oil, which must be extracted, refined and transported; which must be produced by respective first and transported materials. All the processes of mining emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels for the electricity and transport processes and non-energy production processes. These inputs are required to produce alumina (which is the main commercial mineral aluminum), aluminum castings, castings, plates and rolls for the manufacture of aluminum cans. CE 1.8) This module for the career episode is the illustration of the overall cyclic process which is shown in the figure1 below. The above figure shows the recycle cycle for the Aluminum ingot and cans in WARM. In order to recycle these cans, the aluminum objects are collected from wastes and are transported to the recycling plants. These metal pieces are transported to the metals manufacturing facility. Raw materials are added into this used metal. On undergoing the recycling process, the recycled metal is again transported to the retail facility upon separation of the end products and by-products.   After the usage of the product, the cycle repeats. The combustion of this metal (Aluminum cans) emits ash residue which is transported to the landfill. CE 1.9) The cyclic process explained previously was for the residual of aluminum cans. This recycling process is almost same as in the case of the steel cans and the copper wires. The complete cyclic process is shown in figure 2 and 3 respectively. Steel boxes are defined as three parts welded HOT steel rolled in a blast furnace and basic oxygen oven or electric arc furnace (for recycling cans) boxes. The production of steel cans involves the extraction of iron ore and lime. These raw forms are utilized in order to develop cast iron, sheet metal and lastly the manufacture of steel boxes. Figure 1: Life Cycle of Aluminum Can CE 1.10) Copper is comparable to other metals examined by the EPA, the vigor used in the ore, the commerce unit and the production and dealing out of the fuels used in production. The industrialized procedure begins with the extraction of the raw material. The ore melted and refined; the utilization of limestone electricity in this part of the results of the process is not very low energy CO2 emission process (USGS, 2004a). The refined copper melts in bars, which are led in the copper wire coils, which are annealed to facilitate the ductility and conductivity. The wire can be coated with either the good quality steel or with any good insulating material. Figure 2: Life Cycle of Steel Cans Figure 3: Life Cycle of Copper Wires CE 1.11) After defining the detailed processes we moved towards the analysis of results. The aim of the project was to define and find out the process energies at various stages for both the recycled objects and the original one. From observations, it was concluded that the process energy made for the original aluminum cans is approximately 184.74 per ton whereas this energy in case of the recycled aluminum can drop at the 36.24 per ton. However, the transportation energy for the original and recycled one is evaluated to be 0.91 and 0.44 respectively. Same parameters were observed for the steel cans and the copper wires as well. For steel cans, process energy and transportation energy for the virgin inputs are found to be 31.58 and 4.60 respectively. While in the case of the recycled steel cans these values drop as 11.78 and 4.03. For copper wires, transportation energy is 2.17 and the process energy is 101.05 for the recycled one, however, for the new metals these values were 0.46 a nd 122.52. CE 1.12) The optimum results were obtained as a result of this study and the project was completed in the allocated time efficiently. While, there are some limitations on the trial process. The factors that have been developed by aluminum bars of energy and greenhouse gas emissions here can be used from an aluminum bar, energy and the associated emission products processing aluminum bars produced for some (other than aluminum cans) as a substitute to produce an aluminum end product Probably quite significant. For example, the energy of aluminum cans associated with the processing of the aluminum ingots can generate about 25 percent of the total life cycle energy for the production of virgin aluminum cans. SUMMARY CE 1.13) This project was a great learning experience for me. I have learned various perspectives of recycling process with the help of different research articles. I was able to make this project a success due to continuous support and help of my supervisor and the team-mate. Working in collaboration with my team member, I have learned the effective skills of working as a team.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Evolution of Whales Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Evolution of Whales Image sitting on the beach one July morning. The sun is beaming down and decide to go for a swim. As you approach the water, you see a whale unusually close. You begin to get nervous as it continues to approach the shore. However, you aren’t worried because you know that they are confined to the sea. As the whale comes near you can see it clearly. Just as you think that it will turn around, the whale walks out of the ocean! If you were to live during the tertiary period, this would be one of the things you would often see. All of the mammals that existed during that time period were terrestrial. They all were land dwelling mammals. Before J. G. M. Thewissen and colleagues’ discovery in Pakistan, many scientists believed, since the constant new discoveries twenty years ago, in what the numerous fossils from North America, Pakistan, and Egypt have revealed, â€Å"†¦these early cetaceans had mobile elbows and external hind limbs with articulated knees. However, they were fully aquatic, except for Ambulocetus, which was amphibious-much like sea lions† (Walking with Whales). Scientists had some idea to the evolutionary process of whales. â€Å"It has always been clear that aquatic cetaceans must have evolved from terrestrial mammals and returned to the water, and the forelimbs of recent cetaceans still have the same general pattern as that of land mammals.† (Walking with Whales) It was known fact that land mammals and whales were related. However, the change from ancient whales to modern whales is drastic. Today, we see much less of an obvious relationship of the cetaceans to the terrestrial mammals. â€Å"†¦Modern cetaceans are highly specialized, with numerous adaptations that allow them t... J. G. M. Thewissen and his colleagues changed the way in which scientists thought about the early lifestyles of whales. The evolution of the ancient artiodactyls was discovered to be joined with the well-known group of cetaceans. The tertiary period was a time of terrestrial life forms. Every mammal walked the earth. It wasn’t uncommon to see a whale running through the grasslands or shark sleeping on the coast of a land mass. It was a time when mammals roamed freely and unconfined by the limits of the ocean. Now that scientists have this newly found knowledge, it is time the scientists further investigate â€Å"why?† Works Cited Muizon, Christian De. Walking With Whales. Nature 413, 259-260. September 2001. Thewessen, J. G. M., Williams, E. M., Roe, L. J. & Hussain, S. T. Nature 413, 277-281. 2001.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Controversy of Deforestation Essay -- Deforestation Essays

The affect of environmental issues occur everyday and in particular deforestation is becoming a highly ranked subject. From animals to the human race, the alacrity of trees that are cut down affects every individual in a variety of ways. Not only do people need to help the planet but they need to help themselves and further generations to come, such as children and grandchildren because these natural resources that are being taken away from society are as well shaping the future. For comprehensible reasons, forests use to make up the world, until man made creatures started to destroy and destruct the most important supply to human kind which are trees. Trees are crucial to every living entity for the reason of providing oxygen to all. The world’s current problem which is deforestation can be solved by giving more knowledge about the cause, creating a luxury tax on meat products, and pin-pointing the major places that are being affected. Deforestation is a disturbance taking place causing the loss of environmental species or animals, natural herbs, and basic nourishment's. This cogent problem of deforestation has become a major problem because now more trees are being cut down and aren’t being replanted, leaving animals without a home to go back to. The animals that are being consumed are being reproduced and need more land area to graze around on, so more space is used while not considering the loss of other species. Environmental animals in the forests are becoming extinct and if they disappear from the earth than people will never know the usefulness or capability of each creature. For example, animals are useful in ways of protecting the family or even for hard labor work such as plowing and human companionship. Nat... ...ent Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural NorhtDisasters, Ecosystems, Green Living - National Geographic. Web. 03 Dec. 2010. North â€Å"Deforestation.† University of Michigan. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. North " Trees: Insects." - Tree Care Made Easy. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. north Brown, Katrina and David W. Pearce. â€Å"The Causes of Tropical Deforestation†. Vancouver: UCB Press, 1994. 10 September 2010 Stock , Jocelyn. â€Å"The Choice: Doomsday or Arbor Day.† Deforestation. N.d. . 10 September 2010.

Responding to Socrates’ Pedagogical Provocation :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Responding to Socrates’ Pedagogical Provocation ABSTRACT: In this paper I examine the text of the Symposium to illustrate two non-philosophical responses to Socrates’ pedagogical provocation. While Apollodorus and Aristodemus, two Socratic disciples, demonstrate their erotic commitment to Socrates, they do not practice philosophy. They manifest their non-philosophical behavior in two ways. First, they idolize and imitate Socrates. Second, they constantly tell stories about Socrates. In the first section I analyze Aristodemus’ and Apollodorus’ emotional attachment to Socrates. While both disciples are genuinely protective of Socrates, their behavior often precludes the practice of philosophy. In the second section, I examine the nuances of the narrative frame of the Symposium. Apollodorus and Aristodemus both express their commitment to Socrates by telling stories about him. While their stories do preserve knowledge about Socrates, they are unpersuasive spokespersons for the philosophical life. They remain mire d in their personal love for Socrates. In the third section, I interpret Plato’s rhetorical use of anonymity as a strategy designed to mitigate against the dangers of discipleship. In this paper, I examine the text of the Symposium to illustrate two non-philosophical responses to Socrates’ pedagogical provocation. While Apollodorus and Aristodemus, two Socratic disciples, demonstrate their erotic commitment to Socrates, they do not practice philosophy. They manifest their non-philosophical behavior in two ways. First, they idolize and imitate Socrates. Second, they constantly tell stories about Socrates. Unfortunately, these practices do not lead them toward a genuine philosophical commitment. They remain mired in their personal love for Socrates. I then interpret Plato’s rhetorical use of anonymity as a possible strategy designed to mitigate against the dangers of discipleship. 1. Imitation of Socrates' Non-narrative Behavior When Aristodemus arrives at Agathon's party without Socrates, his solitary appearance surprises Agathon. Upon seeing Aristodemus without Socrates, Agathon acts as if such an occurrence were an anomaly. Somewhat bewildered, Agathon exclaims "but where is he?" (174e8). Apparently, Aristodemus follows Socrates around everywhere. Apollodorus' concluding description of Aristodemus reveals that the man habitually followed Socrates everywhere; "He [Aristodemus] followed him [Socrates] just as he was accustomed" (223e10).(1) Given this behavior, it is not surprising that Agathon cannot imagine a circumstance in which he would find Aristodemus without Socrates. Early in the dialogue, Apollodorus suggests that Aristodemus engages in this behavior because he is "obsessed with Socrates" (173b). When Apollodorus tells us that Aristodemus "followed Socrates just as he was accustomed" (223e10), he uses the word, hepomai. The Greek word hepomai carries the sense of "following as an attendant" (Liddell and Scott 310).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Second Race for Space: Nasa vs. Private Space Enterprise

â€Å"NASA spent millions of dollars inventing the ball-point pen so they could write in space. The Russians took a pencil. † This quote stated by the historian Will Chabot signifies the controversy surrounding NASA’s excessive spending throughout the years. In 1957 it was made clear the Soviets were the first into space when an alien like beeping sounds were projected through radios across America. President Dwight. D Eisenhower portrayed America was far behind the Soviets when he signed the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Act of 1958.Despite the past significance of Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon, we find ourselves today charitably donating this government run bureaucracy billions of dollars that could be used more effectively in the field by others. People still believe in the government ran NASA, stating they use their funds effectively towards research and space exploration. These people feel organization should continue to receive mo ney from the government to better our knowledge on space exploration and research.There is, in contrast, the growingly popular view that independently funded and run commercial space corporations deserve a share of the funding contributed to NASA. From looking at NASA’s wasteful past, its unproductive organizational management, along with what commercial enterprise has already proven for itself, it is made clear that there are effective alternatives to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Many American citizens know little about NASA’s projects throughout the past few decades; sure enough there is a reason why.Since the 1980s nearly five billion dollars have been wasted by NASA’s projects that had little success nor benefits for the science community. In President Reagan’s 1986 State of the Union Address, he proposed The National Aerospace Plane to be built by NASA. Just six years and 1. 7 billion dollars later, the program was canceled befo re anything was even built. In the years to come Vice President Al Gore announced the acceptance of the replacement X-33 project, a spacecraft that could be used more than once.In 2001, by NASA’s error, cracks were found in the spacecraft’s fuel tanks. This led to yet another botched NASA project, causing a waste of a staggering 1. 2 billion dollars. Throughout the same years as the X-33, NASA was working on the X-34 and X-38, a reusable rocket and a reusable lifeboat for the International Space Station. After four years and almost no hardware production, both were canceled resulting in another waste of well over one billion dollars. The amount of scientific data gathered from these models didn’t compare to a fraction of the price NASA contributed.During the year 2000, even as the previous projects were being exterminated, NASA managed to get approval for another program known as the Space Launch Initiative. For two years this project consumed 800 million dollar s resulting in nothing other than blueprints (Zimmerman). These pricey papers were soon added to the heaping pile of waste NASA accumulated when the project was cut. While these numbers seem baffling to most, there is still more ways this organization has wasted our tax dollars.NASA’s ill equipped security systems put at a costly risk the successful projects they have spent so much money on creating. There has been a minimum of 5,408 successful breaches in NASA’s security, many of which were sponsored by foreign intelligence agencies (Fogarty, par. 7). To illustrate why this is such a critical problem for our funding, we will take only the years of 2011 and 2012 into account. Throughout this time NASA has not only lost control of the International Space Station’s functions, but suffered a loss of seven million dollars in hacked restricted data (Fogarty, par. ). Is this the corporation we want to invest billions in? From what continues to happen to this day it is made clear that NASA has, and will continue, to improperly manage the money it is given for space exploration and research. Though the staggering number of wasted funds seem unbelievable to most, the reason for their existence can be found in the organizations very own infrastructure. NASA’s organizational management is counterproductive when working with a budget.NASA has shifted resources away from effective principal investigators, when a single man is responsible for a projects completion, and towards manufacturers that operate under the governments bureaucratic rein (Baker, pg. 2). While looking into NASA’s management it is clear that there isn’t close to a sufficient amount of authoritative decision making. It is not that teams operating under a bureaucracy such as NASA aren’t skilled enough to take the best plan of action; it’s that no one has the jurisdiction to assign tasks and hold people accountable for their completion. (Molta, par. 2) .This lack of authority has led to shuttle catastrophe where America’s citizens watch their countries creation ignite in a ball of flame. The NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe presented himself before a Senate committee years after the Columbia tragedy. Senator Fritz Hollings scolded O’Keefe for taking one of the Columbia shuttle managers who was criticized for the explosion and made him second in command of NASA’s safety office. â€Å"That doesn't indicate to me that you got it,† Hollings stated (Zimmerman). While something must be going on behind the scenes there is another problem at hand.Bureaucracies such as NASA have trouble with establishing proper span of control. There is of course no set number of subordinates a NASA advisor can successfully supervise. This leads to employees not getting enough management support when taking actions that may jeopardies the project (Molta, par. 3). After all most of us cannot even fathom the money and precis ion that goes into creating something such as a space shuttle. NASA’s thriftiness is further decreased from the basis in which it receives funds. The entrepreneur who co-founded PayPal, Mr.Musk, stated â€Å"NASA’s contractors work by the â€Å"Cost plus† model encouraging aerospace companies to find the most expensive way to do something and drag it out as long as possible. † He went on to say †Future contracts should be given to meet milestones based on objective design reviews and actual hardware completion. If a company meets the milestone, they get paid. If not, they don't† (Tierney, par. 9). Due to the fact that NASA does not get any reward for accomplishing any landmarks within a specified time zone, there is no telling how inefficient they will be with the funding they receive.They have no incentive to be thrifty with the funds that they have. From these reasons it is made clear NASA’s flawed structure wastes our money. Indeed t his negative talk of NASA may make it appear as though space exploration is nothing but a waste of money. However, independently owned commercial space corporations have proven to be highly beneficial. Throughout NASA’s most notorious years of the 1960s it was the competing private space enterprises that manufactured the products NASA gets accredited for.Specialized private companies manufactured for NASA rockets, capsules, and lunar landers for cheap prices with the intentions of the government buying their products for years to come. However, once the Cold War was over NASA stopped working with outside companies, causing many to collapse (Zimmerman). It is clear from NASA’s history that it hasn’t been close to as efficient as it has been while it was purchasing from outside manufacturers. Present day Private space corporations have had several innovational breakthroughs NASA had not discovered after its nearly sixty years in existence.After only a few years in existence, Xcore developed for NASA the rocket engines that are generally inside the jets of the nascent rocket-racing industry. They have also provided NASA with an engine that can run on nothing other than liquid oxygen and methane (Klerx, pg. 18). The next example is a key reason why private companies forced to accomplish tasks on a minimum budget have the brain power to do so accordingly. While NASA goes about building every rocket vertically, Space X revolutionized the assembly process by instead creating rockets horizontally.This avoids the multimillion dollar cost NASA incurs for having to create and move customized towers and scaffolding (Tierney, pg. 7). From four private enterprise’s recent accomplishment came $269 million gifted to them by NASA. This award was granted by the Obama administration’s Commercial Crew Development Program, whose goal is to push outside companies to get their ships into orbit at a quicker pace and at a lower cost than NASA (Chang) . From looking back from NASA’s glory days to recent monetary rewards, commercial space corporations have already left their mark in what humans have accomplished.With the government increasingly working with private enterprise, there is no telling what NASA’s fate will be. What can be made certain of is the fact that there will always be at least two points of views surrounding this controversy of government versus private space enterprise. While many will stick by NASA’s side until life itself is over, others will take into consideration NASA’s improperly managed funds, its flawed organizational management, and commercial enterprises advances that have already been accomplished.These supporting groups of information all revolve around the fact that commercial space enterprise will much more effectively put to use the money that NASA consumes. Stephen Hawking proclaimed â€Å"I don’t think the human race will survive the next thousand years unles s we spread into space. † For this reason and many more humans will forever continue their mission to the final frontier. Only time will truly tell if private or public will better help man in this race for space.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Completion Of Manufacturing Process Engineering Essay

Crunching is employ for re campaign of coat at completing military exercise subsequentlyward completion of falsehood tycoon. This is lots steadfast-breaking than all early(a) b put up prickings which be utilize for b distinguish remotion. And in any case crunching has groovy velocity, truth and rear natural coering ( ) .Crunching physical processIn this grind action we impart utilize a rubbing stand to taking lug by snub action of the in impermanent difficult and alert techy atoms. It is re completelyy of import that we take on the correct crunching round for the exact showcase of trip infallible. This crunching roll consists of several eat a focusy atoms which act as minute spr step to the fore change borders, and these atoms ar chemic bonded with the aid of adhering tote. Crunching uses a constitution of stuff remotion called scratch it is moldiness harder than the stuff creation ab egress. anyhow the jolting dem ands to be able to arrest game temperatures ca utilise by the jolt during the friction. al or sotimes, these graduate(prenominal) school temperatures leave do harm to the attach agents open in the motorcycle doing the roll proscribed to interrupt calibrate.A ( www.sur,,2010 )Crunching guinea pigsCylindrical gunSurface bomberTool and curtailter bomberBelt bomber recreatebench bomberJig bomber adapt bomberSurface cranchSurface scrape is a deceitfulness outgrowth which moves or crunching cycle per second relative a come to the fore in plane duration a crunching go around affairs the show and removes a minute trade union of stuff such that a direct get along is created. In Surface craunch there ar some method actings intromit horizontal- bower, vertical-spindle, perpendicular spindle rotary cranch, horizontal-spindle some wiz disc and perpendicular swivel school principal contrition.For the entertain s urface crunching we acquire these parts forTo sharpening of moorage roosterProduce a level surfaceRequired a glint surface raggedness complete valuation reserve thickness( hypertext modify communications protocol // friction-process.html,2010 )hypertext exile protocol // spindle reciprocating display board surface press ( )hypertext transferral protocol // spindle reciprocating tabular pasture surface grinding ( ) amount of moneyless grindIn this centred crunching the grinding is per plaster casted at the eye. This is too called cylindrical grinding. These centred grindings atomic number 18 twain types those ar let onside diam ( OD ) grinding and indoors diam ( ID ) crunching. In Outside Diameter crunching the wee-wee slicing has centre drilled terminals, fit Cent re evidences and surface is upstage by revolving the bomber s face folk house take away with get going the crunching stand or revolving in clockwise waies.( hypertext transfer protocol // )hypertext transfer protocol // catch/1/1d/Centerless_grinding_schematic.svg/220px-Centerless_grinding_schematic.svg.pngA schematic of the Centre less grinding procedure ( )Tool and woodcarver bomberTo sharpen milling fadeters and asshole spots this tool and cutter tool is use, along with a host of otherwisewise ask redaction tools.hypertext transfer protocol // at a lower placecoatCutterGrinder-table-head.jpg/220px-ToolandCutterGrinder-table-head.jpg Vie of a typical setuponaT & A Cgrinder ( hypertext transfer protocol // ) .Crunching rambleAA crunching turn overA is an expendable roul ette oscillation that is composed of anA abrasiveA compound utilise for respective(a) grindingA andA unsmooth machining operations. They ar utilize inA crunching gondolas. oscillation removes much littler french friess of admixture. The sedimentation of such bantam french friess, called swarf, occurs because theA grindingA wheel is composed of 1000s of stark naked borders. TwoA typesA of scratchy stuff ar used in theA grindingA wheel Aluminium oxide and Silicon oxide.A AluminiumA oxide is used when machining stuffs with a mettlesome ductileness, or overstep executive to de print for good. Silicon oxide is used for stuffs with a showtime ductileness.The scratchy atoms in aA grindingA wheel allow for a smooth ideal mathematical product, irrespective of the stuff being scarpered on. These scratchy atoms are normally coated with a baseball field dressing. TheA surfaceA bomber is normally used as a finishing operation. ( http // -grinder.htm,2010 )hypertext transfer protocol // wheel ( )There are v features of a sharp wheel stuff, tittle size, wheel class, tittle spacing and bond type. solidThey will be Material, the quick abradant, is selected harmonizing to the rigour of the stuff being cut.Aluminium Oxide ( A )Silicon Carbide ( C ) baseball field ( D, MD, SD ) isometric Boron Nitride ( B )Wheel bondWheel holds the abradants, affects finish, coolant, and minimum/maximum wheel velocity. vitreous ( V )Resinoid ( R )Silicate ( S ) shellack ( E )Rubber ( R )Oxychloride ( O )Wheel typesStraight wheel cylinder ( or ) Wheel pealing pass wheelStraight cup serve up CupSaucer wheelDiamond wheelDiamond spindlesCut strike wheelsDiamond wheelCrunching is the most popular method used to gondola difficult stuffs utilizing diamond grinding wheels. The precondition of the grits on the fringe of a grindi ng wheel has a major cheek on the harm induced in a land specimen. Therefore truing and dressing must(prenominal) be carried out often ( Amin et al, 2000 ) . trainingThe wheel must be gar seam each clip it is placed on the form, all the comparable though it whitethorn non hold been removed from the wheel Centre. Mount the wheel vanity of breeches on the bomber tabular array. Bring the revolving grinding wheel up near to the diamond and get down the coolant flow. Never frock without coolant. Frictional erupt build-up pile do the diamond to find loose or separate from its weight down horse. Lack of lubricating attri thates, along with scary, rentlessly abrades the diamond.Face bandagingWe need to convey the diamond tinct with the Centre of the wheel, supply in a f number bourn of.002 , and so traversed each way stumble the border of the wheel. Learning the scoop up cross slam rate for dressing the wheel is a affair of test and slide for each operator. We hold to be fast adequate to forestall glazing, and heavy plenty to minimise c fossil embrocate colouring give out Markss. Dressing from the Centre of the wheel out to each border helps minimise the yield of the coiling lead Markss on the coating of the work instal. Do non calculate over.002 per base on balls. Excessive in- gift will do the wheel to move represent it s loaded. This essences from wheel stuff being paste into new-sprung(prenominal) exposed wheel porousness.The type of frock utilise to the crunching wheel whitethorn be changed to accommodate different crunching demands. A rapid cross smile will take big totalitys of stuff rapidly. A dilatory crossbeam will come onwards a much desirable coating, but do nt take stuff as quickly.Face Dressing a Crankshaft Grinding WheelFace Dressing ( )Side DressingWhenever the sides of a grinding wheel are prepare to run out, they should be dressed. With the chest of drawers attach to a tabular array, i mpartation the diamond into tinge with the crunching wheel near its forepart corner, feed in a upper limit of.002 . The wheel is so fed in and out until the necessary sum has been dressed from each side of the wheel.Side Dressing a Crankshaft Grinding WheelSide Dressing ( )Radius DressingPosition the diamond in the holder confronting out the forepart. slickness the holder back, place and lock the universal gas constant adjustor at the coveted dimension. thence skid the diamond holder frontwards until the diamond tie-ins the gas constant registration halt. slim down the diamond holder, unlock and abjure the accommodation halt. Feed the wheel into place to the unspoiled frontward. utilize all right turn upder, impartation the diamond into follow through with the front face of the wheel and dress the full breadth. hence back the wheel off from the diamond.004 , unlax the swivel lock and take one of the halt pins so the upper swivel shadow be rotated 9 0A of travel. speckle swiveling the diamond through its 90A discharge, conveying the wheel into attain and frock of the needed sum from one corner. Repeat this procedure for the reverse gear corner by replacing the front halt pin and taking the second pin to supply 90A rotary motion in the foeman way.Be reliable to maintain your diamond chest of drawers tools crisp. Revolve the diamond 30 to 45A after each dressing operation.Radius Dressing a Crankshaft Grinding WheelRadius Dressing ( )( hypertext transfer protocol //,2010 )CoolantCoolants play an of import t modifyrical role in machining. One of the chief bes of coolants is to lubricate. This is achieved by come of the showdown that baffles in the contact districts betwixt tool and work parting every second gear good as betwixt tool and bit. Heat dissipation, i.e. s condole withy of the work piece, and rinsing french friess off from the contact zone are further of import maps of the coolant. The combined lubrication and depress signifi piece of assce reduces tool exhaust and enhances surface timber and dimensional truth of the work piece ( Brinksmeier et al, 1999 ) .Oil- found coolants senior racy ramp per social unit expanses and temperatures during machining procedures are necessary to make separation movies between the solid surfaces of the tool and work piece.The followe(prenominal) BASIC oils are commonmineral oil natural C-H bonds must be free of harmful redolent compounds by refinement.Hydrocrack oils Partially semisynthetic, low content of aromatic compounds, improve mineral oilPolyalphaolefines to the full man-made oil with bifurcate hydrocarbons, thermally stableMan-made ester Fully man-made oil of fatty ester acids, thermally stable, biologically analyzable, working(a) as basic oil and as linear.Water-based coolantsFor high cast down capability and rinsing off opennesss, water -based emulsions or solutions are employed. Water-based solutions consist of inorganic and/or organic substances and water transcription and very rarely surrender got mineral oils. The H2O and oil stages must be separated before disposal. luxuriously chemical stableness and transparence are farther advantages in high chilling efficiency and rinsing off capableness. Water-based emulsion dressed ores pay 20-70 % basic oil. For surface crunching operations, oil-in-water emulsions are common the sum of oil suss outs the lubrication ability of the emulsion. Water based coolants contain up to 20 constituents in which each of the constituents bay window themselves be multi component mixtures. In grinding, the bit is formed, as stuff is misshapen by the grit or grain deal change border and displaced sideways or frontward harmonizing to the orientation of the aim editing border. Common oil concentrations in emulsions for crunching operations are between 2 and 15 % . Their ch ief disadvantage is susceptibleness to leakage oils and micro beings doing high care greets ineluctable. ( Brinksmeier,1991 ) .Boundary lubrication is the elan of lubrication which depends on the lubricator movie bed physically adsorbed to the contact or the chemical bed formed on the contact. Boundary lubrication is deuce types, physical adsorbed layer resound lubrication and chemical boundary bed lubrication.Beg loom and Gee de 1935 and Tabor 1981 by experiment showed that practically in an elastohydrodynamic contact the lubrication and contact governments are rather assorted cod to the contact surface raggedness and the topical anesthetic terrible EHL movie thinning however when the planetary EHL movie thickness is comparatively high. They showed that in a practical EHL contact some(prenominal) the physical adsorbed bed boundary lubrication and the chemical boundary bed lubrication oft severally locally occur in different countries of the contact and these twain lub rications both play of import functions in the humankind bewilderation of an EHL contact. These cardinal lubrications really determine the failure of an EHL contact. Zhang 2005 suppositionally showed that compensate in an ideally smooth EHL contact in isothermal pure turn overing status physical adsorbed layer boundary lubrication occurs in grammatical constituent of the Hertz a contact zone when the turn overing velocity is cut back than a scathing value or the burden is higher than a critical valueLubrication handicrafts in unnumbered includea? Very low cultivation baron per unit area a? Presence of atomic species other than the unremarkably encountered molecular species a? Radiation environment a? Absence of a gravitational field.The low-pressure environment contributes to rapid vapor of the liquid or semi-solid lubricating oil lubricators usually employed. Since lubrication normally takes topographic full point by agencies of a movie entrained between skiding or turn overing surfaces, the loss of this movie referable to vaporization and automatonlike working shadower ensue in failure of the mechanism. The lubrication map is, with some admixtures, strongly influenced by the presence or absence of oxide movies on these surfaces. The surface oxides often act as restrictive movies and, in some instances, contribute to the last surface movies through either chemical reaction or chemosorption s ( Zaretsky1990 ) .The make editing liquids are primarily used in metal remotion processes callable to their subject on conveying retrovertd heat in the contact zone, decrease of clash in the tool-work piece contact zone and bit transit from the sore country. On the other manus peachy fluids take aim serious disadvantages, such as comfortablyness jeopardies and the explosiveness of oil vapor, environmental pollution, wear of the elements of the machine tool and increasing fabrication make up. In order to diminish the prohibit environm ental impact of the film editing fluids and cut downing fabrication costs, new machining proficiencys such as juiceless machining are used ( Klocke at el 1997 ) .MQLDuring crunching, many scratchy grits are in contact with the work piece at each 2nd, but merely a littler part of these grits halt the cutting function in the quick procedure and the others do non execute existent film editing, but alternatively bring forth heat by rubbing and plowing the work piece surface in the contact zone. High heat coevals and temperature in the contact zone are associated with a high ban profligate careen and a great contact length in crunching procedure. Crunching operation, without utilizing sufficient coolant-lubri hoboistert, leads to thermal amendss and dimensional inaccuracy on the work piece surface. Hence methods of dry crunching have non yet been to the full successful in industrial finishs. An attr vigorous cream for the dry grinding procedure is the stripped-down legal comm unity lubrication ( MQL ) grinding. This procedure uses a minimal measuring of lubrication and is referred to as close dry grinding. In MQL grinding, an air-oil mixture called an aerosol is fed onto the machining zone.Tawakoli et al 2010investigated the set up of the work piece secular hardness and crunching parametric quantities on the MQL grinding procedure. Based on the consequences of their probes, all-important(a) cash advance can be achieved by MQL grinding of hardened steel in analyze to dry crunching procedure. One attr industrious option for dry and unstable grinding procedures is MQL crunching. This procedure uses a minimal footmark of lubrication and is referred to as close dry grinding. In this procedure aerosols are oil droplets dispersed in a jet of air, oil droplets carried by the air fly straight to the tool working zone, supplying the needed chilling and lubricating actions.Tawakoli et al 2010 investigated the effects of the work piece stuff hardness and cr unching parametric quantities on the MQL grinding procedure. Based on the consequences of their probes, important betterment can be achieved by MQL grinding of hardened steel in comparing to dry crunching procedure. In MQL film editing, a little sum of perishable oil, which is assorted with tight air to gussy up oil mist, is use to the cutting point alternatively of the inundation supply of H2O mixable or water-immiscible film editing fluids. Many successful consequences have been score on tool wear decrease in terminal milling, boring, and turning. MQL cutting can cut down non merely the cost associated with the disposal of waste oils but besides the dynamism ingestion cerebrate to the cutting unstable supply systems, while it may demo some troubles in chilling tool and work, transporting french friess off from cutting points, etc. Unlike wet film editing, in which the film editing point and its environing countries are certainly cooled, MQL is non ever efficient to any type of cutting. MQL does non work so good in cutting difficult-to-machine stuffs with high strengths, low thermic conductions, and high affinities with tool. Some enquiryes applied MQL on heavy cutting with big depths of cut and sustenance rank, and high-speed film editing with high rates of heat coevals. Therefore, high-velocity MQL rifling was carried out utilizing a coated, cemented carbide tool to clear up the consequence of MQL on cutting popular pre moveation in high-velocity film editing. Toshiyuki Obikawa et Al, 2006 .Crunching kineticssChatter is a violent beat up of the tool, negatively affects machining of metals. The most of import belongings of yak is that it is a self-excited weave, which is closely related to the dynamic sort of the film editing suck ups and the machinery social system. This is an unwanted status because it adversely affects the surface finish quality, machining truth, tool life and spindle bearing life. Chatter is responsible for cut downin g toilion end product, because if no solution can be found, metal remotion rates have to be disappointed until vibration-free state-support presentation is obtained. And besides yak is so multivariate in character that the inclination of a machine to exhibit yak is oft non agnise during the ontogenesis phase ( Taskesen and Ercan 2003 ) .The grinding machine spindle is one such system where stupefy causes major telephone circuits in the grinding procedure as the crunching wheel astuteness of cut is so little that even the slightest amplitude of fluctuate can hold dramatically detrimental effects on surface coating, wheel wear, and form-holding. Crunching machine get are two types, specialityd tucker and self-excited ( yak ) quiver. Forced quivers are caused by periodic perturbation outside(a) to the grinding procedure Chatter is so inconsistent in character that the inclination of a machine to exhibit yak is much non realized during the development phase ( Taskesen and Ercan 2003, Malkin1984 ) .The grinding machine spindle is one such system where quiver causes major ancestrys in the grinding procedure as the crunching wheel deepness of cut is so little that even the slightest amplitude of quiver can hold dramatically detrimental effects on surface coating, wheel wear, and form-holding. Crunching machine quivers are normally classified into two types Forced quiver and Self-excited quiver. Forced quivers are caused by periodic perturbation external to the grinding procedure. Self-excited quivers are by and boastfully associated with natural quiver readiness of the machine-tool construction. A numeral algorithm based on five grades of freedom theoretic bill was presented to imitate the dynamic response of the spindle of a grinding machine ( Alfares and Elsharkawy, 2000 ) .Crunching animationThe grit size consequence for specialised heftiness in crunching of Si nitride by is wickedness bonded diamond wheel. An addition in item crunchin g energy at smaller deepnesss of cut was related to an addition in circumstantial ploughing energy at orotundr semi-include angles. By comparing the dimensionless specific crunching energy to the modified dimensionless specific ploughing energy, a general grit cross-section(a) cutting profile was obtained holding a rounded tip at its terminal. The confer grit profile was characterized in footings of an hateful tip radius and asymptotic semi-included angle ( Hwang et al1999 ) . specialised energy by and large includes energies consumed in bit formation, ploughing, sliding, and elastic torture of work piece. particular(prenominal) energy in grinding is approximately an order of order of magnitude higher than in turning or milling. The higher specific energy in crunching is chiefly receivable to more specific surfaces produced in french friess, every bit good as more material distorted shapes ( both plastic and elastic ) . On the other manus, downstairs the same grinding condi tions, specific energy besides depends on the belongingss of the work piece stuff, particularly physical- robotlike belongingss. Specific energy in crunching can be mathematically modelled and used to foretell crunching procedures ( Tonshoff, 1992 and Malkin et Al, 1996 ) .The conjectural grievance anticipation is good corroborate by the grinding experiment and is proven to be feasible._the grain size of the WC samples has an demonstrable consequence on specific energy in grinding andsurface topography of the land WC samples._ Under a given grinding status, the WC samples with a smaller norm grain size consequencein lower specific energy, and frailty versa._ Plastic distortion occurs during crunching of the WC samples. It is chiefly due to the softCo stage which is found to be squeezed out due to abrasive-work piece interactions.The squeezing out causes the Co stage to smear over the land work piece surface,Forming ridges and/or pile-ups along the grinding abrasions ( Ren et a l,2009 ) .Crunching getDurgumahanti et Al. in 2010 true a crunching force theoretical delineate by integ place the effects of variable coefficient of clash and plowing force.This crunching procedure consists of three phases plowing, cutting and rubbing. These constituents were used in the footings of the experimental coefficients and procedure parametric quantities like wheel velocity, table provender and deepness of cuts. By executing crunching trials at contract conditions, they determined the practical coefficient. The fluctuation of the clash coefficient with procedure parametric quantities such as wheel velocity and work provender has been taken into consideration while ciphering the frictional force constituents. The plowing force constituents were modelled by executing single-grit trials. The wide grinding force theoretical account is developed by integrating the combined effects of variable coefficient of clash and the plowing force. This theoretical account clearly exp lains the importance of the plowing force, which becomes more prevailing at really low deepness of cuts. The coefficient of clash in the present theoretical account varies with procedure parametric quantities like wheel velocity and table provender, unlike the old theoretical accounts, where it is a changeless value throughout the procedure. precedent strategies of executing of these trials were either by utilizing by utilizing an aluminum phonograph record that was mounted on to a grinding machine. It can be observed that the present scheme of put to deathing the single-grit trials can take tending of these restrictions. Hence, the new crunching force theoretical account can be faithfully used to foretell the grinding forces and supply a certain theoretical footing for research on crunching force.A new surface crunching force theoretical account is proposed. The influences of crunching treating parametric quantities to dynamic mechanics belongings of metal stuff film editing and clash coefficient between work piece and crunching wheel have been taken into history. The consequences of simulation and calculation are co-occuring good with the experimental measuring. This proves the excellence and effectivity of proposed crunching force theoretical account. To certain(prenominal) crunching wheel and element stuff, merely quadruple groups of experiments are needed for work snap a set of elongate equations and can obtain the precise computation verbiage of crunching force under the same grinding wheel and element stuff conditions. Compared with the customary theoretical account, this crunching force theoretical account avoids a big figure of experiments and saves the cost every bit good ( Tanga, 2009 ) . frisson devicesThis magneto- colour is quadratic and occurs ever in the same way whatever is the field way. In the performances of majority stuffs these enlargement expands are rarely used straight because a additive behavior is preferred. By exploi tation a mechanical pre-stress and a magnetised injustice in the active stuff the linearity is obtained. Quasistatic actuators are utilizing GMA in these conditions for placement, quiver find out, stepping motors and fluid control applications. Giant Magnetostrictive Materials ( GMMs ) are in competition with piezo ceramics, particularly MLAs but found their topographic point in specific applications such as low electromotive force actuators, big force actuators, high post low oftenness transducers and infinite cryogenic placement. In other instances, MLA piezoceramic actuators are frequently more interesting because of their low designer ingestion and high end product energy per spate unit ( Claeyssen et al 2002 ) .For the accurate dynamic modeling of a merely support beam under a travelling fold, LIN 1997 claimed that the chosen of a travel mass should be accounted for cautiously in the dynamic preparation since the mass is traveling along a vibrating way. Abdel-Rohm an and Leipholz 1980 presented the active control of a merely supported beam under a traveling mass by utilizing flexing minute in footings of tenseness and compaction forces with a several(prenominal) actuator. Kwon et Al. 1988 presented an attack to cut down the color of a beam under a traveling burden by agencies of seting the parametric quantities of a conceptually 2nd order damped theoretical account attached to a flexible construction. Devasia et Al. 1993 presented the attacks to find the length and recording of piezoactuators in footings of the optimisation of muffling elite under collocated muffling control, additive quadratic cost functional in the initial status with the lead of detectability and stabilizability, and minimal trait pedestal of a square matrix of controllability grammian.SUNG 2001 presented based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory by including the dynamic chosen of a traveling mass going along a deflecting way. Second, a multi- excitant-multi-output s train comptroller is presented to actively cut down the structural warp under a traveling mass by utilizing piezoactuators. Last, a comparing between uncontrolled and controlled instances can be found in the numerical simulation. Using piezoactuators bonded to the beam, the controller with full province feedback was designed to cut down the structural warp. In order to find the best formations of piezoactuators, the LQR-based preparation was employed.The micro pump consists of three actuated membranes and is capable of bidirectional operation. In those three membranes two active valves and one pump actuator. This characteristic is really utile in our application since it allows both pressurizing and depressurising the unreal sphincter. As on a lower floor Fig. shows, a Li polymer battery supplies the energy to the system. A miniaturized electronic situation accountant generates the high electromotive force necessary to drive the actuators of the micro pump. A reservoir is used to keep a sufficient sum of fluid to be pumped into a polymer-based turnup that represents the existent unreal sphincter prosthetic device. A force per unit area detector is besides included to supervise the force per unit area inside the turnup. All informations gathered and all operational bids can be sent via a telemetric unit to/from an external removed(p) control unit.Fig. GASS system descriptionUsing charge recovery has resulted in up to 50 % decrease in galvanizing forefinger ingestion while maintaining mechanical end product power well unchanged. The efficiency is hence improved. One drawback of this technique is the demand for physically large inductances in order to make the negative electromotive force required. Advanced drivers that are capable to observe portion of the charge stored in the actuators by agencies of high frequency exchanging convertors are being investigated by our group. This solution would work with much smaller inductances but, on the other manus , it would outgrowth the complexness of the drive circuit ( Giovanni Biancuzzia 2009 ) .piezo galvanizing stack actuators are employed in the theoretical account to accomplish quiver control of flexible constructions, and dynamic features are besides investigated. Mobility technique is used to extrapolate the regulating equations of the system. The power flow contagious into the foundation is solved and considered as a cost map to accomplish optimum control of quiver isolation. Some numerical simulations revealed that the analytical theoretical account is useful as piezoelectric stack actuators can accomplish significant quiver weaken by choosing proper value of the input electromotive force. In active systems, the actuators are the key parts. Piezoelectric stuffs can be blue bonded on or imbedded into conventional constructions, are lightweight and have comparatively high triping force and comparatively low power ingestion features, and so, are used most widely to command qu iver and commotion ( Crawley and Deluis 1987 Dimitriadis1991 Han et al. , 1997 Niuet al. , 2004 ) .Active quiver control of a revolving flexible construction whose application includes a infinite roar, a chopper trade name and a air on-line(prenominal) turbine is considered. In the rotating constructions, the fluctuation of quiver features due to the stiffen consequence of the centrifugal forces and the plangency job due to one of perturbation frequences of multiples of revolving velocity demand to be carefully considered for active quiver control. Schilhansil and Providence 1958 investigated the stiffening consequence of the centrifugal forces on the first manner flexing frequence of a revolving cantilever beam. A glass/epoxy composite beam is prepared and the piezoceramic actuator is patched at the root of the revolving hub. The fluctuations of the natural frequences are by experimentation investigated with regard to the revolving velocity. The critical perturbation frequ ence is determined by detecting the radius diagram, and the changeless amplitude accountant ( CAC ) is by experimentation realized. Vibration control responses subjected to two different perturbations ( rotational velocities ) are evaluated and presented in clip sphere.It has been demonstrated that the quiver of the beam caused by revolving the beam at resonance and non-resonance velocities can be well hold in by using control electromotive force to the piezoactuator ( Choia and Hanb, 2004 ) . mover and shakerThe transducers convert the force catching to the construction and the response of the construction to electric signs which, one time filtered through signal conditioning equipment, are digitised and used to develop musical themes of FRF in a spectrum or frequence analyser. Shaker-structure interaction is ever a tinge in FRF measuring because it introduces the job of force drop-out at structural resonances. To the multi- mover and shaker sine grizzle trial, the stage d ifference of the input signals applied to the Shakerss, it is controlled in order to keep an perpendicularity belongings of shaker-applied forces. The features of some rate of flow FRF estimators are presented and it is shown that the instrumental FRF calculator, 3H ( Ta ) , is a noise-free calculator although still apt to bias mistakes. The leave job on auto- and cross-spectra emerges during the processing of finite record information and, as a consequence, it is hard to stipulate which FRF calculator will bring forth the best estimation of a FRF ( To AND EWINS,1990 ) .The electro-dynamic shaker maps to present a force proportional to the current applied to its voice spin. These devices are used in such diverse activities as merchandise rating, emphasis showing, squeak-and-rattle testing and average psycho outline. A surprising sum of information may be extracted from a shaker by utilizing it as a quiver detector, sooner than as an exciter. In such an experiment, the electr omotive force end product of the voice spiral is monitored while the shaker is caused to bulk large due to brief mechanical input. There are many types of machines designed to designedly vibrate constructions. They are demoing little, lasting magnet, electrodynamics Shakerss. For this operation we need three stairss. Firstly, some inventiveness is required to bring forth the radial magnetic field moving in a plane normal to the spiral s axis. Second, the spiral must be allowed to travel axially but be muted from all other gestures. Third, the force provided by the machine is relative to the magnetic blend in passing through the spiral, to the current slick through the spiral and to the figure of coil-turns in spite of appearance the flux ( Lang, 1997 ) .We can better the control mankind presentation by adding an adaptational filter to the 2dof accountant utilizing m-synthesis in the feedback accountant. The doubtfulness of the controlled works is taken into history and t he reconciling filter based on the H1 filtering job is employed. A robust accountant utilizing an adaptative filter based on the H1 filtering job was used for an electrodynamics shaker control, and excitement experiments were performed to measure the control public presentation. It was assumed that the conventional open-loop method utilizing iterative compensation by insistent excitements could non be employed, and the proposed accountant was consequently designed for this status. Amore robust accountant was developed by adding the adaptative filter from the EBAF method to the 2dof accountant utilizing m-synthesis.( Uchiyama at el 2009 ) .The construction of an electrodynamics shaker bears some resemblance to a common speaker unit but is more robust. At the bosom of the shaker is a spiral of wire, suspended in a fixed radial magnetic field. When a current is passed through this spiral, an axial force is produced in proportion to the current. The public presentation envelope of an electrodynamics shaker system is strongly influenced by three manners of quiver and the voltage/current capacities of the power amplifier that drives it. Other confining ciphers are the intentional shot of the traveling mass and the entire mass of the shaker, the thermic power bound of the spiral and the emphasis safety factor of the armature. billet analysis discloses the electrodynamics shaker to be a thermodynamically inefficient machine. As machine warhead is increase, efficiency lessenings while line power factor improves. The research lab thermic burden is slightly independent of trial point weight. Power analysis discloses that an stray system can be designed to better mechanical bringing in the low frequence part. ( George drink Lang and Dave Snyder 2001 ) .The controlled shaker has proven really cost effectual for more everyday merchandise making and seismal rating work. Modern DSP shaker accountants now do an outstanding occupation of reproducing coveted transient pu lsations safely, faithfully and repetition competently. However, a shaker presents some physical barriers to floor proving. These devices have a limited field of follow shot and exhibit speed limit that can non be exceeded without loss of control. ( George corn dodger Lang 2003 ) .To the magnitude ordinance control, the amplitude of the curving acceleration is accurately controlled to be equal to the puting value. For a switching inverter-fed electrodynamics shaker system, in add-on to holding low deformation driven power, the decrease of unsought harmonical quiver caused by harmonic current and the imperfect shaker tabular array construction is besides really of import. Accurate acceleration control of an electrodynamics shaker fed by an inverter is really hard to accomplish, owing to tinstone-sinusoidal armature excitement power beginning ( Thin-Huo subgenus Chen at el 1999 ) .Terfenol -DTo cipher the diametral of a theoretical account for the hysteretic stuff Terfenol-D we used magnetostriction theoretical account, as portion of a full control constellation for Terfenol-D actuators. This opposite is based on a magnetostriction theoretical account that has been shown to qualify the demeanour of Terfenol-D good. Initially un spring, roll uping mistakes in the opposite are analyzed and a method to jump the mistake for periodic input. The bimodal magnetostriction opposite is able to invert the strain behaviour of Terfenol-D to within a low, bounded mistake. The Terfenol-D theoretical account and opposite are for quasi-static applications and do non pattern temperature dependent behavior ( Ann Reimers and Edward Della Torre, 2000 ) .Calculation of the work done in the latter instance indicates an internal emphasis degree in the Terfenot-D of astir(predicate) 6.4 MPa. For AC operation sinusoidal extremum to top out currents of 28 As generate a Nett force of about 9 kN, over and above any applied prestress, which decreases by 10 % at frequences up to 400 Hz. Higher frequence constituents merely appear at really, high thrust degrees.PropertiesOptimization of the Terfenol-D end product, fitted with its eventual application and accomplish the superlative supplantings or forces.Minimization of the thrust current demands and thereby cut down losingss due to heating in the field spirals. credit of the full end product power on the scope DC to three hundred Hz.Production of motions of 0.5 millimeter.Coevals of forces -10 kN.The design and operation of the appropriate power amplifiers.It is proposed that with farther development the actuator will run in coincidence with a hydraulic system and unopen cringle control implemented to accomplish pre-selected actuator end product from the combined hydraulic and magnetostrictive forces ( Aston at el 1997 ) .Applications utilizing the elephantine magnetostrictive stuff TERFENOL-D are traveling into volume production as more design and application applied scientists realize the potency of the s tuff. The action of these procedures has increased the scope of available sizes and forms of TERFENOL-D, improved the magnetostrictive public presentation of larger diameter stuff ( & gt 25 random-access memory ) and increased the repeatability of magnetostrictive public presentation in the unblemished transducer elements. Giant magnetostrictive applied science continues to progress, with important work go oning in the transportation of the engineering from the research lab and into the commercial universe. new(a) treating methods are demoing promise for the production of high volume, cost effectual transducer elements, by both directional hardening or pulverisation metallurgy attacks. Work remains in the countries of procedure polish to accomplish tighter control of public presentation fluctuations and in stuffs word celluloid for the now available big diameter drivers ( Jonathan at el 1997 ) .TERFENOL-D is a close individual crystal metal metal, which converts electric power to mechanical power, and frailty versa. TERFENOL-D is magnetostrictive, intending it changes form in a magnetic field. TERFENOL-D has a greater form alteration, or strain, than other common transducer stuffs, such as piezoceramics ornickel alloys. This fashion acousticdevices driven by TERFENOL-Dhave greater power, and actuators have more displacement and moreforce. Like other magnetostrictivealloys, TERFENOL-D does notchange with clip or figure of rhythm methods.What is Magnetostriction?Magnetostriction is the belongings that causes certain ferromagnetic stuffs to alter form in a magnetic field. 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